
People Shocked at Wikileaks CIA Spying Report Despite 91% Lack of Trust in Government

Why you buggin?

See what I did there? I crack me up. Seriously though, it amazes me when people are convinced of something in the first place and then there’s outrage and shock when that suspicion is “confirmed”. I’m of course referring to the Wikileaks release of alleged CIA documents detailing a comprehensive spy program on the citizens of the United States of America using smart phones, televisions, and other smart tech. I’m also referring to the latest statistics that show 91% of people do not trust the government. So, CIA… people… why you buggin?

In a world where technology is evolving almost faster than we can comprehend how to use is and surely faster than we can understand it’s security ramifications. Even when we do understand the risks we don’t care. Are you ready to give up your smartphone? Didn’t think so. How about that smart TV? Or smart watch? Seeing a pattern here. Smart devices are everywhere and if you ask me “smart” is a keyword for “dangerous potential security risk”. Unfortunately, there’s almost no alternative in this faced paced world that’s addicted to instantaneous gratification, convenience, and social media posting. #drivinglol

I can hear some of you saying “So what! I ain’t doin’ nothin’ wrong. You shouldn’t worry if you ain’t no criminal” (no idea why I decided to make you people illiterate but I did and it’s done). The problem with a “fully” monitored society is that it is open to corruption as well as being dangerously close to stepping on our rights. It really has nothing to do with doing anything wrong or not, it comes down to whether or not we have a right to privacy in the United States.

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

Hello fourth amendment! Haven’t seen you in a while. Apparently the CIA hasn’t either or the NSA or pick a three letter govt. entity for that matter. While a bit outdated maybe for these fast connected times that looks pretty clear. Could you imagine the govt. tries to make the claim that there was “probable cause” against the entire American public? That would be priceless.

I could go on and on about the fifth amendment, the ninth, security, what apps to be afraid of, what could be done about rogue govt. agencies… but you already know the answers to these questions. The constitution matters less and less apparently, there is no security, be afraid of all apps, and nothing will be done about rogue agencies in our govt.

Have a nice day 🙂

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B Doomed

I am the bringer of low blows. I'm awful and it shows. I'm hopeful and yet... no one knows. I like the truth and am a fan of weird stuff. I also like things. You too? I knew we had something in common. Bacon.