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Comet Skips Through Atmosphere, Leaves Earth Covered in Fungus

In a bizarre and unexpected turn of events, a comet that skipped through the earth’s atmosphere has left the planet covered in a weird-looking fungus. Scientists are still trying to figure out what happened, but one thing is for sure: the world will never be the same again.

The comet, which was first spotted by a group of amateur stargazers, was hailed as a once-in-a-lifetime event. But as it approached the earth, something strange happened. The comet seemed to be attracted to all the plastic waste that was floating around the planet. As it flew by, it scooped up all the plastic, along with some unsuspecting cats that happened to be in the way.

As the comet continued on its path, it left behind a trail of plastic waste and confused felines. But that was just the beginning. The comet carried with it a weird-looking fungus that started spreading psychotropic spores all over earth. People started experiencing vivid hallucinations, and the world was in chaos.

But let’s be honest, is anyone really surprised that a comet came to earth looking for plastic? We’ve been throwing it around like confetti for years, and it was only a matter of time before someone, or something, came looking for it. And as for the cats, well, they’re just collateral damage.

Scientists are still trying to figure out how the fungus got on the comet, but they suspect that it may have been brought by an alien civilization that was trying to get rid of their plastic waste. Or, you know, it could just be a weird cosmic coincidence.

As the world struggles to deal with the aftermath of the comet’s visit, one thing is for sure: we need to start taking our plastic problem seriously. Or else, the next time a comet comes around, it might not be as forgiving. And who knows, next time it might be looking for something even weirder than plastic.

One eyewitness, who preferred to remain anonymous, said, “I saw the comet, and I thought, ‘Wow, that’s weird.’ And then I saw the fungus, and I thought, ‘Well, that’s weirder.’ And then I started hallucinating, and I thought, ‘Okay, this is normal now.'”

Others were less sanguine about the situation. “I saw my cat turn into a talking potato,” said one man, who requested to be referred to only as “Potato Man.” “And then the potato started singing show tunes. It was really quite disturbing.”

But despite the strange and disorienting nature of the experience, some locals found a silver lining in the hallucinations. “I saw a unicorn, and it told me to stop using so much plastic,” said one woman, who gave her name only as “Rainbow Unicorn.”

Scientists are still trying to figure out how the fungus got on the comet, but some locals have their own theories. “I think it’s from outer space,” said one man. “Like, the aliens came to earth and saw all our plastic and were like, ‘Dude, what the hell?’ And then they just dumped this fungus on us and flew away laughing.”

While the origin of the fungus may be a mystery, one thing is clear: it has some remarkable properties. Scientists have discovered that it can decompose plastic and turn it into organic matter, which has led to some rather interesting reactions from the public.

“I was like, ‘Whoa, dude, this fungus is like, magic,'” said one local surfer. “It’s like the ultimate eco-friendly solution, man.”

As for the comet itself, it has since disappeared into the vast reaches of space, leaving behind a world that is both changed and unchanged. Some locals see the event as a warning, a sign that we need to take better care of the planet. Others just see it as an opportunity to make some really weird art.

“I made a sculpture out of the fungus,” said one artist. “It’s like, this statement on the fleeting nature of existence, man. And also, like, plastic and stuff.”

In the meantime, let’s just hope that the fungus doesn’t turn us all into crazy, cat-loving hippies. Because, let’s be honest, the world can only handle so many cat memes.

So there you have it, folks. A comet, a fungus, and a world that’s just a little bit stranger than it was yesterday.

B Doomed

I am the bringer of low blows. I'm awful and it shows. I'm hopeful and yet... no one knows. I like the truth and am a fan of weird stuff. I also like things. You too? I knew we had something in common. Bacon.