
Mother Killed in Front of Children by Clown and yodeling sidekick

Murderous clowns exist kids. Fear them. Apparently you should also be wary of yodeling sidekicks but I probably didn’t need to tell you that part. Yeah this one is so good. Let’s go. A Belgian clown from the reality TV show Belgium’s Got Talent has been arrested for a brutal murder of a mother and her three children. In true 2018 style a ridiculous stand off with law enforcement on a rooftop was broadcast live on Facebook. Now that crap is right out of a movie. 

31 year old Kevin Lapeire, the alleged murderer in large shoes, is a winner for the best clown in Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg and was known strangely enough as “Doctor Aspirin”. Ok, I have to stop already… DOCTOR ASPIRIN? Is anyone friggin’ paying attention to anyone? Holy crap. Alright sorry, back to the freak show. This entertainer of hundreds of sick young children was apparently having issues getting along with his 47-year old girlfriend’s three kids. This eventually led to a break up with the woman only identified as Caroline D. You see where this is headed I’m sure.

Is there a yodeling sidekick in the house? Enter Dietwin Haegeman, 38, known as “Clown Tobi” to “Doctor Aspirin” fans but also known as “Dietwin the Yodeler” to Belgium audiences who also released a yodeling pop single in Dutch that I can only hope is sold out now and on it’s way to being repressed on vinyl. Who the f*ck are these people!?! Starting to almost not feel sorry for this woman, what the hell was she thinking exposing her children to nefarious yodelers.

It is alleged that the duo illegally entered the woman’s home in Oudenberg which is a seaside town near the larger town of Ostend where they proceeded to terrorize and tie up the twelve, fifteen, and seventeen year old children. This pair then allegedly stabbed their mother in front of them, possibly capturing the gruesome event on film. Lapeire told the children “I am no longer a clinic clown but a crimiclown.” He did this on mother’s day. Yes, your clown fears are valid.

The maniac clown also phoned the children’s school to tell them they’d be late the following morning and laugh the message “That’s how I will become famous. I am a monster. I know that”.

The children were not released from their bindings until they were found Monday by police. Emergency services found the mother’s body in the garage. The killer clown and yodeling sidekick had already fled the scene.

Lapeire, broadcasting live on Facebook, was waiving a pistol atop a building Monday night in the municipality of Bredene near his parent’s home. Having an apparent grand time he hurled a canister from the rooftop and started firing his gun after which police snipers were deployed and the local area was put on lock-down including a nearby school.

The yodeling sidekick was promptly picked up by police after commenting that he couldn’t believe what he was witnessing on Facebook. Eventually Lapeire laid his weapon down and surrendered to the authorities after sever hours of social media police stand off chaos.

“It is too horrible, especially for my children,” said the children’s father in complete disbelief, “all my care and attention now goes to them”.

B Doomed

I am the bringer of low blows. I'm awful and it shows. I'm hopeful and yet... no one knows. I like the truth and am a fan of weird stuff. I also like things. You too? I knew we had something in common. Bacon.