
February 2017 Weather Broke Tons of Frightening Temperature Records

East of the Rockies: First January and February ever since record keeping started in 1871 Chicago saw ZERO snowfall. First February ever Boston and Buffalo hit over 70°F. Washington D.C. experienced its warmest February ever. Other worthy mentions were Oklahoma City at 94°F, Allentown, PA at 77°F, Binghamton, NY at 70°F, and an 80°F day for Cincinnati and Denver.

Nothing to see here!

West of the Rockies: Historic rainfall for California causing flooding. Breaking a half-century old record the Sierra Nevadas saw over 500 inches of snow. (Its’ still cold here in Vegas).

That’s normal!

Worldwide: January 2017 a European cold wave hit delivering -49.7°F, massive snowfall, and caused at least 60 deaths. It has been noted as a historic cold wave for 2017.

OK, enough scary statistics (sorry, the truth hurts). Oh and don’t let those cooler zones fool you either. There were just 42 daily record low temperatures globally compared to 5,000 daily record high temperatures set or tied in February. So the deal here is it got hot. Way hot! It was even hot on the sides of the earth facing away from the sun at night. Almost a fifth of those records set for high temperatures occurred at night. 940 actually! No low temperature overnight records were broke in comparison. I know, I know. I said no more scary statistics, sorry.

I can hear half of you going “so what, I’m always a little cold” or “global warming is a lie”. I can hear it. I can hear you all through my monitor (it was expensive). Hey, don’t yell at me people, it is what it is. If statistics you don’t like upset you I suggest you go read a nice book on “wood turning”. It’s a nice hobby. Not much stress. For the rest of you…

So a warmer, earlier spring is headed our way. Woo hoo right? Not really. Here’s what happens when you have an unseasonably warmer spring that comes early.

Trees and flowers will all bloom early. Oh my! Run for the hills! Doesn’t sound scary does it? This is what you’ll hear from most media that reports on the consequences. Just some vagueness. What’s really happening is actually a lot deeper than just early blooms. If you paid attention at all in school you may have heard that we live in a very delicate ecosystem and that we’re pretty lucky to at that. Well when you start getting earlier and earlier spring weather you confuse not just the “trees and flowers” but you disrupt everything that is affected by the sun including microscopic organisms that are part of the food chain. Don’t believe it? The agricultural growing season in the US now begins a full week earlier than it used to back in the 1960’s and that’s 2006 data! The current data says we’re losing about a day of winter every decade.

Another problem that occurs is that animals that depend on being aware of the seasons become confused. They come out of hibernation too early or their early-spring food sources have also been affect by the unusual weather causing starvation.

Reports from our national parks are also getting stranger and stranger year to year. As the natural calendar changes around us, park officials have been forced to deal with “anomalous conditions” that are a puzzle to those looking at the last 30 years of data.

If you’re around at least the age of 20 then you’ve already noticed some changes in our planet’s weather since your debut on this planet. If your an old fart like me you’ve seen 45+ years of weather and know that things have changed drastically.

I just am pissed I move to Vegas to escape the “cold winters” the east coast. Figures :/

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B Doomed

I am the bringer of low blows. I'm awful and it shows. I'm hopeful and yet... no one knows. I like the truth and am a fan of weird stuff. I also like things. You too? I knew we had something in common. Bacon.