
100s of Infants and Toddlers Starved to Death at Home for Wayward Women in Ireland

“A great many people are always asking what is the good of keeping these children alive? I quite agree that it would be a great deal kinder to strangle these children at birth than to put them out to nurse.” — Doctor Ella Webb, June 18, 1924, speaking about illegitimate children in care in Ireland at the time.

The story of Doctor Webb’s comments was in the Irish Times that day in 1924. It was allowed to go without outrage or question.

How do you like euthanasia Irish Catholic style?

We are not making this up. A mass grave has recently been found on the grounds of a home for wayward women in Ireland. Hundreds of infant and toddler bodies that were either starved to death or died of diseases.

So we ask; which is worse choice or no choice? Sister Joan Chittister says “…I would never condemn a woman who finds herself in the position where she believes that, or her doctor believes that, abortion is the only answer for her at that moment.  My problem lies in the fact that we make it an absolute.  We say that we can never, under any circumstances whatsoever allow abortion, and yet we allow death – men, men can kill for a number of reasons.  Men can kill to defend themselves, men can kill to defend the country, men can kill to punish the people that they believe should be killed.  And we never call those deaths absolute.  We allow men to sit down at a table and plan the destruction of the globe and we never ever say that that is totally, absolutely, gravely immoral and sinful.  But in abortion, we allow no discussion whatsoever of possible times when it would not be a matter.

And that says it all.

Wizard Of Odd

The Wizard Of Odd needs no friends. He is happiest inside his head and finds himself very entertaining. His reaction to the real world is often "how bizarre!!" When not writing, he can be found wiping down kitchen counters.