
UFO Sightings on the Rise! Major Spike in US Reports

The 2000’s have seen a major rise in UFO sightings according to NUFORC (The National UFO Reporting Center) including a massive spike in 2010 (what was that about?). NUFORC is a great resource for UFO sightings and if you’ve seen something by all means hit their site and report it, too much goes unreported. A lot of times you see Venus or Sirius but sometimes you might be seeing something else that doesn’t have an explanation. NUFORC has records going back as far as the 1905 Portland “sphere in the sky” going all the way to February 22, 2017’s “Bright pulsating light” and they’ll continue to keep track of future reports. They’ve got 104,951 reports since 1905!

Doctoral students have been going through the data and applying their statistical skills to the mountain of reports. What did it turn up? Well UFO sightings have been steadily on the rise ever since the 1990’s. In fact there are now just under 2,500 reports for every 10 million citizens. That’s an astounding three hundred times the worldwide average!

Another thing, these ain’t no saucers.

Gone are the days of the “flying saucer” report. We’ve gone from the classic disc shape of the 50’s to the triangles of the 90’s to the most recent popular report “inter-dimensional lights and orbs”. I’m a fan of the triangle ships personally although the two “sightings” of unidentified objects I’ve personally experienced were more glows and stops of time (eh, who knows, to each his own).

These new “orb and light” based aliens seem to be trying to break in to our dimension through portals in the space time continuum. I mean it’s obvious isn’t it? Must be here for the show. It is a good show. Where was I? Oh yeah…

All of this also happens to coincide with the proliferation of the internet and digital cameras. We’ve all heard those crazy statistics that say we’re taking more pictures in a day then the previous (insert astounding number here, I’m lazy don’t want to search). So, could it be that we’re just “looking” more in the sky? Have these objects and phenomenon always been there and we’re just reporting it more? Unfortunately no matter what BS anyone wants to tell you they can’t answer that. No one can. It’s all speculation and we’ll just have to keep comparing the current data which does point to a spike in numbers in the 2000’s.

Moral of the story kids? Be thankful that you have a cell phone with a camera on it. Keep it charged always and make sure to get a picture of that glowing light in the sky over that farm next time you see some weird sh*t. Don’t expect anyone to believe you though. It’s just the way it goes. NUFORC will believe you though so, tell them.

B Doomed

I am the bringer of low blows. I'm awful and it shows. I'm hopeful and yet... no one knows. I like the truth and am a fan of weird stuff. I also like things. You too? I knew we had something in common. Bacon.