
India: Police Corruption Cause of Human Rights Violations Says US State Department Report

According to a recent Human Rights Report by the US State Department, India has a huge issue with it’s Police and security forces. These issues included “extrajudicial killings, torture, and rape” against women, children, and members of scheduled cases or tribes. There were also mentions of religious and sexual orientation persecution as well as “disappearances”. You also don’t want to go to jail there. After you’re thrown in jail for contrived charges you’ll be denied justice through never ending procedures and subject to horrific living conditions sometimes bordering on torturous.

This is still a part of the world that has real issues with “Rape, domestic violence, dowry-related deaths, honor killings, sexual harassment, and discrimination against women”. Child abuse via arranged marriages involving female children were also cited as major on going problems. Several other problems like human trafficking, forced labor of children and adults, prostitution, and sex trafficking of children were considered “serious” problems. This is all not to mention a pretty big societal hatred and violence towards the disabled, indigenous people, and persons with HIV.

The report claims that the government continued to not accept any blame or even acknowledge much of any problem. The State Department also stated that India’s authorities seem to be very “lax”. The general consensus seems to be that they don’t have enough law enforcement or money to police their population and don’t give much of a sh*t about it because the people you’re actually asking are doing fine robbing, raping, and terrorizing the citizens.

Why don’t you hear about this in the west more? Well, we don’t care. Major news outlets don’t care. They all have advertising from companies that have huge operations in India and we need to maintain that feel good attitude about places we do business with and never look at any atrocities that may be going on.

“Hey jerk, I live in India and I love it! You live in America you fat pig!”

OK, I hear you. We’ve got issues too and I’m trying to lose weight again. Don’t get me wrong people in India, this article is not about bashing your country. This article is about the US State Department’s assessment of the situation there where corruption and crime are concerned.

Part of the State Department’s (and most people’s) problem with trying to wrap their heads around things like the child marriages is that they live in America. They’ve grown up here, been instilled certain values, most likely pretty sheltered, etc. It’s also a free country. Not only that, we consider children a priority to protect and have strict rules for intimate interactions between citizens based on age. The simple fact is some other cultures and religious institutions do not. Why this is so hard to report is weird to me. It’s not rocket science. Many other places, religions, and cultures are very different than those that are popular in the US. Corruption among Police is also something that is a very big worldwide problem and the norm more than it isn’t globally. Even in the US we have major problems with police corruption and we’ve got everything being recorded 24/7, still crap goes on.

So of course nothing will change. Nothing from us for sure, the US just makes messes of places and rarely helps the situation. Not to mention India is way too big for us to do anything (also, kinda not our job, at least until we’re all done fixing things here). There’s not even any worthy political talking points about the report or the situation for politicians to exploit so you’ll probably not hear much about this anywhere else either. Maybe the people of India will get things together on their own and try to handle it, get a hold on the corruption etc. It will likely cost much blood. That’s for sure.

That kinda goes for all of the corrupt places in the world including the US, get your sh*t together man! It’s 2017 already. How are we supposed to achieve interstellar travel if you’re all busy bribing people to kill other people so you can rape a child that was “sold” to you for marriage? That’s how aliens see us as a society you know and probably why we haven’t heard a thing from them. Good job world.

Read the 2015 Human Rights Report for yourself from the State Dept. here.

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B Doomed

I am the bringer of low blows. I'm awful and it shows. I'm hopeful and yet... no one knows. I like the truth and am a fan of weird stuff. I also like things. You too? I knew we had something in common. Bacon.