
Man keeping girl in hole behind refrigerator jailed

27 years. That’s how long 57 year old violent pedophile Michael Dunn will spend behind bars for a long list of sexual crimes. The “man” from Redcar apparently smashed through a plaster wall behind his refrigerator to hide a girl that he had been abusing. The child had run away from home and Dunn was hiding her from the police who were actively searching for the girl. Dunn targeted children in the 10 to 11 year old range. Over a period of decades the pedophile has been linked to at least four victims.

Weeping in court during sentencing, Dunn was convicted of 10 rapes, 3 charges of false imprisonment and 3 charges of indecent assault after his January trial. It was revealed how Dunn used bags of dirt and dust to camouflage the opening behind the fridge where he kept the girl. Dunn had done this on at least eight different occasions to conceal the girl from authorities also using his two German shepherds to distract police. More gruesome tales were revealed during the trial such as how he was “grooming” another vulnerable teenager, feeding her alcohol and cigarettes until she got away and told her mother what happened. Police investigated but Dunn was apparently one step ahead of the police and got witnesses to lie to the officers ending the investigation leaving the young girl to live in fear.

Even at the age of 19 Dunn raped a 10 year old telling her “this is what boyfriends and girlfriends do”. He threatened her to not tell her mother following his previous M.O.

According to Dunn’s attorney Rod Hunt, he’s a wonderful man that might have cancer and that his disease might be to blame. Fantastic story there.

Luckily Judge Briggs had none of it and deemed Dunn a man with a “volcanic temper, particularly when you are in drink”.

What makes this vile criminal so terrible is that he preyed on victims that were previously abused.

Let’s hope he has a fun 27 years behind bars. I’m sure it will be nice for him. Still doesn’t seem like enough.

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B Doomed

I am the bringer of low blows. I'm awful and it shows. I'm hopeful and yet... no one knows. I like the truth and am a fan of weird stuff. I also like things. You too? I knew we had something in common. Bacon.