
Move over war on drugs, here comes the war on science!

You say tom-ay-to, I say tom-ah-to.

The fight card:

  • Round earth vs. flat earth
  • Global warming vs. natural cycles
  • Future fuels vs. fossil fuels
  • Solar vs. coal
  • Education vs. “feels cold out to me”

Get ready for the fight of the century people of earth! Humans that aren’t you will be deciding the fate of everything from the earth’s health to your health, not to mention the future of scientific exploration.

Historically speaking, people of science have not fared well when trying to express their theories and discoveries. We’ve been kinda total dicks to most of them and then years later just sorta shrug it off and are like “yeah, well of course they were right”. Humans stink.

A perfect example is the banning of stem cell research under George Bush after religious pressure from the extreme right. So weird. People were very angry about things they didn’t fully understand. They began to become upset, predictably forceful, and started using special religious advantages in the legal system to force the concept that stem cells would lead to dead babies. So a dark age in medicine for 10 years led to countless deaths and loss of quality of life for millions during this time.

Oh yeah, stem cell research is now at the forefront of medical research and curing new things every day. They are not exclusively harvested from “dead babies” obviously and early opposers of the research are predictably “quiet as a church mouse”. They’re probably busy waiting in the doctor’s office now for a stem cell injection that will repair their damaged knee better than new. Oh the irony.

Many thought for years that we were over this sort of thinking but luckily the education system has been in great decline as well as the proliferation of internet preachers of fringe concepts that go against mainstream accepted science.

“It’s very easy to find information online that is not based in fact but presented in a compelling way that could lead those that might not research the information to take it as fact.” – Guy Reliable

Services like YouTube have made it easy for anyone to have a huge (free) platform to spread false information as well as “resources” like Wikipedia whose “open” structure have made it difficult to find solid answers to anything in the modern world.

Perhaps we will go back to the old ways. No, I mean the really old ways. Gladiator battle. Hand to hand combat. The winner decides the science. If I beat you up, I get to say the earth is a cube (where’s my cube earth people?).

Good thing not much longer for the human race on this planet hopefully. With a little luck our magnetic poles will reverse, tidal waves will swell causing a 1000 foot tsunami that will wipe out all of humanity, the bees will take over the planet, and it will quiet down for a while on planet earth.


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B Doomed

I am the bringer of low blows. I'm awful and it shows. I'm hopeful and yet... no one knows. I like the truth and am a fan of weird stuff. I also like things. You too? I knew we had something in common. Bacon.