
Reports of Trump’s goal to “Eliminate” Clean Water Rule despite lack of authority show flaws in media

Clean water. It’s a no brainer isn’t it? One would think so. Others may not.

If you’ve read any news lately, you’ve no doubt read something about President Trump’s desires to “eliminate or revise” the Clean Water Rule. Are you nervous? I mean it’s water you should be. You should buy double the amount of water tomorrow you usually do. By all means panic.

Luckily the standing rules can not be altered by an executive order according to Jon Devine, an attorney with the Natural Resources Defense Council.

So why all the reporting that there’s an issue?

Because it’s good for business. Face it. You came here based on the headline. You’re reading this because you’re looking to see which way the article is going to swing so that you can possibly share it to your social media accounts and say to your friends “see, I told you!”

Does this mean there really is no issue? No. There’s an issue. He’s got an agenda obviously but what he can do and can not is another issue. The real issue here is accuracy. The real headline should read:

“Trump considers actions he can’t take”

Unfortunately, that’s not as sexy as:

“Trump trying to poison your water sources”

Gotta be honest, the second one is pretty sexy from an editor’s point of view. That one will get lots of clicks. Mucho ad revenue. So what it’s not happening. It scared you into generating fractions of a penny for the source of the article and that’s the game.

Just about all of these articles have the closing sentence about how President Trump is actually unable to overturn the rule via an executive order but they conveniently save that important tidbit for last. You know, after they’ve scared you out of your wits and raised your heart rate just a little bit.

Besides, the President isn’t trying to poison your water. Big companies that you’ve known for a long time are already poisoning your water silly.

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B Doomed

I am the bringer of low blows. I'm awful and it shows. I'm hopeful and yet... no one knows. I like the truth and am a fan of weird stuff. I also like things. You too? I knew we had something in common. Bacon.