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Keep your eyes on the road, your hands upon the wheel… Auto Fatalities Up

Within six months of moving to Las Vegas from New York I was hit from behind by someone texting in a car accident with my fiance while sitting still at a red light. The guy only looked up at the last minute and I saw him like “oh sh*t”. First words he said when he got out of the car with an earbud still in his ear was “I wasn’t even looking”. This was no teenager either. This was a 50 something “disabled” veteran (said disabled on his car but he hopped right out like a kid after hitting us). My fiance who is also disabled from a heart attack with an implanted subcutaneous defibrillator suffered back injuries and I myself suffered serious nerve damage to my shoulder and neck from having my arm on the steering wheel extended when we were hit. All because this guy was on his phone instead of driving.

Enough about me right? Who cares right? Just a freak accident. Not like it happens every day.

1.6 million crashes a year is all. 330,000 injuries are also caused by texting while driving each year. So not only everyday but if the numbers according to The National Safety Council are correct that works out to:

Average crashes from texting while driving

  • 1.6 million a year
  • 4,384 a day
  • 183 per hour
  • 3 per minute

That’s about a crash every 20 seconds in the United States. #drivinglol All due to people texting away to friends, loved ones, strangers on social media. Ridiculous. WTF is so pressing that can’t wait until you stop? It’s not even that. How stupid do you have to be to realize that you are DRIVING. Driving is one of those things you actually have to “do” when you’re doing it. I’m yelling at you because 1 out of every 4 car accidents in the US are caused by texting and driving! Sorry…

People say they’re against cars that drive themselves from companies like Google but I for one don’t think that they can come fast enough. That along with much stricter driving tests and consequences for those that want the “privilege” of manually driving their automobiles. This way most people will opt for the robot car and the people that want to drive can prove they can handle the roads and no one’s rights are stepped on. If it were up to me, I’d eliminate cars all together and just really focus on teleportation.

So, what to do? I mean you’re not one of these jackasses out there texting and driving right? It’s those other people and we can’t control them (yet) right? Well, on the off chance that you might be interested in keeping your own eyes on the road a little more you can do a few things.

Get a bluetooth car kit. It’s a no brainer. At the very least, if you must use your phone while driving for an emergency call set yourself up with a handsfree bluetooth car kit. Another reall cool thing you can do is get a basic heads up display at Amazon. Here’s a list of a bunch and one we like in particular. These are very simple, easy to hook up and at least get your eyes off the dash for the basics like your speedometer, tachometer, etc. All this stuff is in the early stages but at least the price tag is really low to check out the technology if one can actually put a price tag on safety.

So until we’re all forced to buy automated robot cars please keep your eyes on the road and be smart.

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Have you made modifications to your car to make it easier to keep your eyes on the road? Comment below.

B Doomed

I am the bringer of low blows. I'm awful and it shows. I'm hopeful and yet... no one knows. I like the truth and am a fan of weird stuff. I also like things. You too? I knew we had something in common. Bacon.