
Warmer temperatures lead to increased disease in humans, climate change to blame

Another year has passed with record high temperatures and as humans scurry about the planet pointing fingers, blaming this or that, the sun laughs while we spiral through unknown voids of the universe tethered to this unpredictable ball of fire uncontrollably. Feel safe? Better lock your windows tonight. We’re really all just along for the ride.

Looks like an early spring for 2017. This means heat sooner than later. More heat than cold actually. This increase in heat on our planet makes life a little uncomfortable for us humans. Luckily we have air conditioners (and ice cream) which are totally safe for the environment without debate (kidding of course). Do you know what just loves the extra heat? Bugs and bacteria. Yup. The creepy crawlies of our world just thrive in this environment. That includes viruses like Zika and bugs that carry Lyme disease.

The problem really grows exponentially because along with the increased length of the warm seasons we get a larger “critter” population every year leading to more and more cases of infections in humans of serious diseases.

Still having trouble with this? Think of your turkey sandwich, a fridge, and a freezer. Trust me. Put your turkey sandwich in the freezer and you can enjoy it in a month. Put it in the fridge and you’ve got a little under a week. Leave that sucker on your kitchen counter for the same amount of time and you’ll be sharing your sandwich with a plethora of new little critters that are already enjoying your meal (the critters said to get some chips). So, warmer equals more bacterial growth. Plain and simple.

Now apply that concept to the entire planet and your going to have a bad day. Warmer temperatures will lead to more food supply spoilage. It’s simple math. Of course there’s measures we can take like increased refrigeration… but that for the most part makes the whole problem worse. Increased global temperatures will lead to increased bacterial growth in the worlds food supply if this trend continues.

Bacteria in our food is not the only problem that humans need to worry about. Increased temperatures will lead to an increase in allergies and cases of asthma in the world’s population. Increased pollen levels will happen and are happening according to the EPA making it harder and harder for humans to breathe on earth.

How’s your heart? Enjoy that bacon this morning? Of course you did. Well, unfortunately those of you with a weaker heart will also experience increased difficulty breathing due to higher ozone levels in the atmosphere and increased surface temperatures.

Most likely all of this has dampened your mood and that’s normal… according to research. The latest studies show that increased median temperatures could lead to an increase in aggression, violence towards others, and higher numbers of suicide. I guess we become “hot headed”… sorry.

So what does it all mean? I don’t know. It means you should have some bacon. Watch some old Bugs Bunny cartoons (if you can find any!). Really, no worries, this is all temporary.

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B Doomed

I am the bringer of low blows. I'm awful and it shows. I'm hopeful and yet... no one knows. I like the truth and am a fan of weird stuff. I also like things. You too? I knew we had something in common. Bacon.